Michał „Rożek” Rożyński
I am a retired Police officer, shooting instructor, range officer and handyman 🙂
I have many years of experience as a shooting instructor, in service and in civilian life.
I raised my skills during a number of trainings as well as during missions abroad.
I am a competitor in dynamic sport shooting associated in the IPSC (International Practical Shooting Confederation) Poland, the largest organization of dynamic shooting in the world. I also have the permissions of a shooting referee and Range Officer. I am a member of NROI Polska, or the National Range Officers Institute..
I am also a co-founder and board member of the ARDEA Shooting Club and a co-founder of the first club in this part of Europe subordinate to the American organization USPSA, Steel Shooters Poland.
My company, Zapach Prochu (Smell of Gunpowder) Michał Rożyński, was founded out of love for practical shooting sports. I run training programmes dealing with all aspects of practical shooting. Taking beginners, for example, through the fundamentals of marksmanship, including safety, shooting theory, competition rules and practical demonstrations leading up to the moment they take their first shots. I also organize shooting events, including birthday parties, bachelor parties and "gift shooting lessons".